Thursday, 22 July 2010


At last I have finished R's Quilt.. I started it when his mother was 4 months pregnant with him.  He is now 18 months old.  I never had the 'right' thread.. it was always too far to get the 'right' thread.  Well.. it takes two buses and about an hour to get it ! But I finally got it and got my act together and completed it.  I am glad it is finally done.

Don't look too closely at it.. the quilting is not the best.. it wouldn't do as I wanted it to do and looks awful.  But he wont notice or care :) 

Pity I couldn't get a better pic though !

Friday, 26 March 2010

Oh My Goodness Me..

Today I have a fabric-related flaunt..!  Yes, I am suprised too.. It is a wallhanging from that lovely fatcatpatterns website.. and this one was an order.!!

Hmm.. it looks better IRL!  (thank goodness for that.... or she never would have wanted it..)

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Friday Flaunt on Saturday

but I have a really good excuse…. The Princess has been quite unwell and it is hard to do anything with a sick kiddie… today though, she is on the mend.. YAY !!
So, this is what I have made.. it is a ‘cosy’ for the yoghurt maker.. it seemed to be losing heat and the yoghurt was not working.. so it needed a cosy.. LOL..

It is made from 3 layers of polar fleece with a pretty strawberry embroidery on the front…
Trying to get Windows Live Writer to send this post to the blog was a nightmare I haven't worked out yet... so if someone would please help, I would be happy..

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Like I need another project..?

Well.. I don't need another project. But that hasn't stopped me from starting one.!! There has been talk of a year quilt.. where each day you cut a square of fabric to represent that day. I can't do that, it seems silly somehow. What does one use to represent a haircut that The Princess had?

Being into scrapbooking as well as quilting as well as everything else.. I stumbled across this idea.. a diary, a photo a day, a bit of journalling. So far, so good!! I have done some every day. I don't go out much at the moment because 1. I don't want to and 2. it is school holidays, so it has been a bit difficult, but it has made me sew things and create things so I have something to take a pic of.. and this is one of the things I made - a cover for said dairy ! I have had these batik fabrics for years and haven't known what to do with them. The cords are hand dyed because they were tied around some shirts I dyed. The are the perfect length to go around the book and tie at the front.. yay!
Let's see how long this project lasts. I hope it lasts all year.. It will be interesting to look back and see how things have happened and changed.

Friday, 8 January 2010

First Friday Flaunt..

Ok.. trying to get the pics under and over is doing my poor brain in right now... so I will leave it as is. Both of these wall-hangings are 12.5 inches square and the pattern came from fatcatpatterns. So quick and simple to do and so cute too.. I have half a dozen more I want to make so I *could* have some more next Friday!.